Don't Change Your Body, Your Game Won't Improve

Too many golfers are out there looking for the quick fix. Why? It’s like putting a band-aid on top of a broken bone hoping that it will make things all better. It DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY! Your body is the MOST IMPORTANT tool in your arsenal for the game of golf. If you don’t take care of it, it can’t take care of you. There are many excellent teaching professionals out there who can help you create a compensation and modify your swing, but the best way for you to improve your golf swing, lower your scores, and generally feel better is to make changes into the way your body moves….plain and simple. I had the pleasure of chatting with a top instructor here in Massachusetts and he said that so many golfers come to him because they are looking to fix there swing, but when he assesses their movements many of his students have significant difficulties with the simplest of movements. All this means is that this is a recipe for DISASTER!


Stick it to your tendon pain with Dry Needling