Hip Pathologies and Low Back Pain

The hip is a very complex, vulnerable, and yet resilient joint in the body. When things go awry, it impacts everything around, including your low back, specifically your Sacroiliac Joint (SIJ), Lumbar paraspinals, and the nerve roots (ie., Sciatica). Treatment for hip pathologies is as variable as the conditions themselves. Though every person, every condition, and every day is different, there are many similarities among the treatment options for hip dysfunctions. A good deal of hip injuries are a direct result of soft tissue imbalances, neuromuscular inhibition, and bony arthrokinematics.

The approach we take toward working on most, if not all, hip conditions are the 3 R's to recovery (Reduce, Restore, Re-Educate). Firstly there is a Reduction of any and all soft tissue restrictions. Without reducing the pull of the myofascial tissue throughout the region, any corrections achieved in PT will return to the dysfunctional state. Next, we have to Restore proper bony alignment and arthrokinematics throughout the peripelvic region, including the lumbosacral spine, sacroiliac joints, and femoroacetabular joints. This includes any necessary joint mobilizations for restoring proper alignment and movement. Finally, we focus on Re-educating the surrounding musculature to stabilize and maintain any gains achieved through physical therapy intervention. If any of these components are not achieved in therapy then gains will be minimal at best and the likelihood of the patient being a recurring client is high. If all three are achieved, however, then a return to prior level of activity is very high with minimal risk of re-injury - regardless of the condition or activity. If you have questions about hip pathologies (and how they can impact your low back), please do not hesitate to reach out to me at Jason@Rule76Performance.com


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